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Submissions and Style Guide


Personality Type in Depth, PTD, publishes articles that relate to the interface of psychological type and depth psychology and seeks articles that demonstrate unusual subject matter expertise or relate personality type to other subjects. Contributions may focus on theory, research, applications, case studies, personal stories, or exercises for practitioners, or they may tie multiple approaches together, for example, application with research and theory. Articles commonly range from 3,000 to 4,000 words, but any length will be considered. For inquiries or to submit an article, email the editors.

General Style Conventions

We follow APA Style with few exceptions.

Parenthetic references to Jung’s Collected Works should provide paragraph numbers, not page numbers, using the paragraph symbol, for example, “(1921/1971, ¶ 345).”

Do not capitalize the common Jungian archetypes nor the Beebe archetypes. Use lower case for the attitudes, the eight function-attitudes, and for Jungian usages, for example, extraversion, introverted sensation, sensate, judgment, perception. Use initial caps only if referring specifically to the MBTI® scales or dichotomies, for example, Sensing, Judging, et cetera.

Ethical Use
Avoid stereotyping specific personality types or type preferences.

Copyright Policies
Personality Type in Depth (PTD) is a diamond open access publication of the Depth Typology Center (DTC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. If articles, graphics, or type charts are reproduced, “Personality Type in Depth (” must be credited. Copyrights for articles published in PTD are retained by the authors. Authors agree to share their work with the public according to the limitations and terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Authors also extend to DTC (through PTD) the right to redistribute published works by way of indices, archives, bibliographic databases, podcasts, and other venues for promoting public access. This provision allows the authors’ copyrighted content to be included in some sources maintained by for-profit companies. All rights relating to the journal’s other content are licensed by DTC under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The authors certify that articles submitted are their original work, except as properly attributed. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain clearance for use of any material they include therein, including graphics and song lyrics, requiring copyright permission.

How Does Type Falsification Happen?

How Does Type Falsification Happen?

Mark & Carol The Editors

June 5, 2013

The Inferior Function – A Moral Issue

The Inferior Function – A Moral Issue

Angelo Spoto

October 4, 2011

Trading the American Dream for Real Life

Trading the American Dream for Real Life

Sofia Taboada

June 11, 2024