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Submissions and Style Guide


Personality Type in Depth, PTD, publishes articles that relate to the interface of psychological type and depth psychology and seeks articles that demonstrate unusual subject matter expertise or relate personality type to other subjects. Contributions may focus on theory, research, applications, case studies, personal stories, or exercises for practitioners, or they may tie multiple approaches together, for example, application with research and theory. Articles commonly range from 3,000 to 4,000 words, but any length will be considered. For inquiries or to submit an article, contact: the editors.

General Style Conventions

We follow APA Style with few exceptions.

Parenthetic references to Jung’s Collected Works should provide paragraph numbers, not page numbers, using the paragraph symbol, for example, “(1921/1971, ¶ 345).”

Do not capitalize the common Jungian archetypes nor the Beebe archetypes. Use lower case for the attitudes, the eight function-attitudes, and for Jungian usages, for example, extraversion, introverted sensation, sensate, judgment, perception. Use initial caps only if referring specifically to the MBTI® scales or dichotomies, for example, Sensing, Judging, et cetera.

Ethical Use
Avoid stereotyping specific personality types or type preferences.

Copyright Policy
The author certifies that the article submitted is his/her own original work, except as properly noted. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain clearance for use of any material, including graphics, requiring copyright permission. All submitted materials are the exclusive property of the author. Personality Type in Depth only requires publishing rights. This means:

  • The author certifies that the article has not been published elsewhere.
  • The author grants PTD permission to post his/her article on the web for an unlimited time period.
  • The author agrees not to submit this same article to another electronic journal or post on another site while under PTD consideration, and not to subsequently post it on another electronic journal or site without first obtaining permission from PTD. Posting on his/her own website is permitted.
  • Subsequent to publishing in PTD, the author may re-publish a Personality Type in Depth article in a print, non-electronic, medium, referencing PTD.
  • Articles that are not otherwise copyrighted will be protected by PTD’s copyright.
Keeper of Memories

Keeper of Memories

Ashley Crawford

January 14, 2016

Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership

Steve Myers

October 4, 2018

Type, Psychoanalysis & Meditation

Type, Psychoanalysis & Meditation

Polly Young-Eisendrath

November 15, 2010