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Finding the Way Home to the Body

Finding the Way Home to the Body

Karishma Sharma

September 1, 2024

Intuitives must engage with and deepen into the body’s knowing, enter into conversation with the body and be open to its revelations. Coming into relationship with the body has opened channels to the depths of my being, making me conscious of the guidance within, informing me of my innermost needs, and allowing me to accept the paradoxes of the inner world.

Trading the American Dream for Real Life

Trading the American Dream for Real Life

Sofia Taboada

June 11, 2024

The competent, professional, independent persona that I had painstakingly crafted over my entire adolescence and adulthood was taken from me. The woman who had climbed the ranks to become a successful executive at the pinnacle of the corporate world, with her glamorous jet-setting lifestyle, was gone. I had experienced an enormous personal defeat and, having no recourse left, I realized I had reached rock bottom.

The Rhetoric of Paranoia in an ESTJ Culture

The Rhetoric of Paranoia in an ESTJ Culture

Erika Raney

March 6, 2024

In this patriarchal and heavily capitalistic culture that privileges the thinking functions, feeling seems to dominate the unconscious collective psyche. In the rise of cults of personality in their contemporary manifestation, the inflated extraverted thinking function establishes a goal; then anything that does not adhere to that universal aim is excised. In this crusade-like paradigm, connection to the genuine feelings and needs of a diverse community is lost as unhealthy extraverted thinking tightens its grip on power.

From the Archives



Zachary Kampf

April 4, 2018

The alien invasion can then be viewed as a necessary fragmentation of the psyche, occurring when the ego is too rigidly identified with the dominant function. The crisis brings renewal by breaking apart the ego identity so that the previously unrealized functions can be differentiated and integrated, thereby transforming the conscious attitude.

The “Forever 27” Tragedy

The “Forever 27” Tragedy

Zachary Kampf

July 3, 2019

The environmental wounds to Cobain’s natural INFP disposition left his ego vulnerable to an anima invasion. It was she who allowed the instinctual power of the unconscious, in both its creative and destructive properties, to flow through the inferior function and overrun his personality, attempting to restore order by instigating archetypal modes of adaptation.

The Polytheistic Organization

The Polytheistic Organization

Bernard Neville

October 8, 2010

Organizational behavior, even more than individual, is shaped by myth and unconscious dynamics, rather than by rationality. I have noticed parallels between Jung’s observations of personality type and the gods who were at the centre of the classical Greeks’ understanding of motivation and behavior. The Greek pantheon can provide ways of talking about a wide range of value systems, energies, feeling states, behavior habits…

Red Book Ruminations III

Red Book Ruminations III

Carl Gustav Jung

July 5, 2011

“It is necessary for you to know your limits. If you do not know them, you run into the artificial barriers of your imagination and the expectations of your fellow men. . . . that do unnecessary violence to you. Therefore try to find your real limits. One never knows them in advance, but one sees and understands them only when one reaches them.”

Question of the Day IV

Question of the Day IV

Mark & Carol The Editors

October 4, 2011

Is it INTJ or INTP? Sometimes the MBTI code’s judging/perceiving (J/P) dichotomy is extremely difficult to nail down—showing a low preference clarity on the report and proving elusive to verify. INTJ vs. INTP seems especially problematic. Why is J/P so difficult? Do you have any tips for verification?

Nietzsche on “Self-Overcoming”

Nietzsche on “Self-Overcoming”

James Kennard

July 1, 2015

Rather than truly being able to move down to embrace the inferior function, to achieve “integrity in depth,” Nietzsche tries to “overcome” the problem of the personality. His fantastic intuitions are not wholly thought through, and so he is not able to deal with the real task of individuation, which asks us to ground consciousness in the reality of body and mind.

Golf: A Game of Individuation

Golf: A Game of Individuation

Jeffrey Lauterbach

July 9, 2014

To win in the crucible of national championship golf requires skill, luck, and self-knowledge. A player with the requisite physical skill may be distracted by the emergence of the inferior function or led out of focus on the present by auxiliary or tertiary functions. One must rely on the extraverted sensation function, whether it is dominant or not.

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

Christine Drucker

September 8, 2016

The image of the ugly duckling growing into a beautiful swan is a powerful and transformative symbol of hope and fulfillment for INFJs. As a metaphor for differentiation and the individuation process, the Ugly Duckling tale illuminates the struggle to separate from the demands of others in order to recognize the value and beauty of one’s essential self.