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Sharma, Karishma

Karishma Sharma

Karishma Sharma is an MBTI®-certified practitioner who leads dreamwork sessions for women. A student of Clarissa Pinkola Estés Réyes, she grounds her work in the theories of Marion Woodman, C. G. Jung, and James Hillman. She has a degree in mathematics and is a doctoral candidate in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies program at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Born in India, she has lived in Canada and the US, and currently resides in Rome, Italy. She speaks Hindi-Urdu, English, and Italian.

Articles by Karishma

Karishma Sharma

Personality Type in Depth was created in 2010 by Carol Shumate and Mark Hunziker to publish scholarship that bridges the gap between psychological type and depth psychology. In 2017, Hunziker introduced the term depth typology for this field of study, which explores the interaction of the conscious and unconscious aspects of psychological type, as conceived of by C. G. Jung. Articles undergo rigorous review and are edited by professional editors and writers. In keeping with its educational mission, subscription is free, and all issues are accessible to the public online.

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